Kyleanne Hunter
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Major Kyleanne Hunter is the VP of Programs at the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. She is a former USMC helicopter gunship pilot and combat Veteran. In addition to her 12 years of active service as an officer in the United States Marine Corps, Ky is an expert in international politics and diplomacy. She currently serves on the Defense Advisory Committee for Women in the Services and was a founding member of the Women in Service Change Initiative.
She is also an accomplished academic and university instructor and was named the 2017 Peace Researcher at the Joan B. Kroc School of International Peace and Justice at the University of San Diego’s Women Peacemaker Program. She is finishing her Ph.D. at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver.
At Brady, she leads their overarching strategy and day-to-day management of various programs, including expanding Brady background checks, cracking down on gun dealers violating federal and state law, and educating the public on the risks of having unsecured guns in the home.