Secretary John Kerry
Secretary of State
Secretary John Kerry was born in Aurora, CO, who served as the 68th United States Secretary of State during President Obama’s Administration from 2013 to 2017 and Senator of Massachusetts from 1985 to 2013. Kerry enlisted in the Naval Reserve in 1966 to 1970, where he served in Vietnam with distinction and received the Purple Heart, Silver Star, and Bronze Star.
His experience in Vietnam led him to testify in a memorable moment before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the conflict. Inspired to do more he decided to run for Congress and run he did.
His first Congressional bid was in 1972, and ended in defeat, but he was not dissuaded. Ever the student and strategist, he regrouped, entered Boston College Law School graduating in 1976, and entered the world of public service as assistant District Attorney before going into private practice. And, in 1982, returned to politics as Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts until his election to Senate in 1985.